Thursday, December 29, 2011

Coordinating Tastes With Your Dorm Mate

Coordinating tastes with a college roommate can present many challenges and you may feel after speaking with them that their tastes and yours will add up to a decorating nightmare. Many people try to work along with their college roommate even before they meet face to face to try and create a pleasing living space for both parties while others create one living space that is designed in two different motifs. This can make for a chaotic living space and can also add up to many duplicate items in this small room.
It is ideal to attempt to coordinate your dorm stuff with your roommate from the outset to create some sort of cohesive living space. In order to do this you must first stop looking at the ways in which you and your roommate's tastes are different and start looking at those things which you have in common. Even if these items are small, like a single pattern or color scheme that is a fabulous place to begin with when shopping for dorm decor merchandise.
Naturally, creating an aesthetically pleasing environment doesn't mean that each of you has to forgo those things that you love or that bring out your individual style. It simply means that you have to have a common thread throughout the room that helps to bring all the dorm essentials together and make the entire room seem cohesive. It is even best to be certain that you don't make your college bedding items at least somewhat different. Matching exactly every item in the room won't permit for each of you to express your own style and instead picking a color of commonality will be a much better plan.
If you and your roommate don't live nearby to each other, the internet can be a wonderful resource to help you bounce ideas off of each other and to coordinate items that will look good together in the same room. Perhaps you will also want to order items from the same dorm supply company in order to make sure that the colors will coincide well with one another. Even just one common color can help to tie together different styles and personalities and create a nice, comfortable living space for both parties.
Working along with your roommate to create a college checklist will help you to save space by avoiding duplication as well as save money. Together you can create a room that is functional and has everything you both need without a lot of extra clutter that will simply get in your way.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Starting College Means You Must Be Organized

Getting ready to go away to school is a very exciting time. It is a time of mounting excitement and also of much preparation. In order to make sure that you cover all the bases and have everything you need for this adventure you will most definitely want to make sure that you have a thorough and complete college checklist in order.
Making a checklist is not just something that you just sit down and do, it is something that you should begin at the end of your senior year of high school in preparation for your after high school experience. Initially you will very likely wind up placing specific items on the list like perhaps college bedding items that you have located online or some school supplies, a laptop, maybe even personal care items. Over time however, other things will come to your attention and these are equally as important. Adding to the list over time will help to ensure that you don't forget any of the essentials.
Those students who begin preparing ahead of time usually have a much easier transition because they are not only physically prepared to go away to school but they are also mentally prepared for this new phase of life. They have come ready and have carefully planned out not only their college class schedule and degree program but have also laid out their dorm room in their head with all necessary dorm supplies accounted for.
Being sure your ducks are in a row might even include exploring their housing alternatives, locating an on campus work-study program, or a local part time job to help them bring in some additional income. Students who are well prepared will more than likely succeed in this next phase of life and for many this is their first step to adulthood, so it is an important and necessary process.
When developing a college checklist it is a good idea to make sure and seek some help in putting the list together. By pooling online resources, as well as talking with your parents and other college students, you should be able to put together a comprehensive and complete list of all the items you will need to ensure a smooth and productive transition. College life will be so much less complicated if you have a well supplied and organized dorm room that can aid you to stay productive and focused thus making for a victorious transition.

Friday, December 16, 2011

What Will A College Degree Get Me?

With the economic state that the country is currently in, many high school seniors are asking themselves if getting a college degree will benefit them. At one time getting your college degree mean finding a job in your field and ensuring that position for many years to come. On top of job security it also meant that you would be making more money in that field and that you would move up the corporate ladder much faster than someone else in the company that did not have a degree.
During the last couple of years we have witnessed a great increase in the unemployment status of this country. The majority of these individuals are those that worked hard through college with the hopes of obtaining a secure employment and steady advancement. These individual found themselves at a disadvantage, however, when companies were looking to downsize and reduce expenditures. They were let go and replaced with new individuals for lower salaries. This left the college graduates to take the lower income positions that they were over qualified for just so they could bring home a paycheck. Each month when these men and women make a payment on their student loans they question if it was even worth it.
Even though this is how things may have turned over the past few years it is still a wise choice to seek a higher education. Things are going to turn back around and when they do you will be the one that companies are fighting over. When you have a college degree you appear more professional, you have a better looking resume and you are more attractive to businesses than someone that does not have a degree.
Higher education not only provides an individual with an opportunity to get ahead but also with the higher thought process to get a job and keep a job. When it comes to getting a higher education of course it is best to choose a field and then plow forward but it is also important to obtain whatever financial assistance you can from the government as well as to make sure that you find ways to keep the cost of your college education way down.
When you leave college you so not want to have more student loans then you can afford. A college degree is something that should be capitalized on, not something that you need to work to pay off and get a second job just to pay your other monthly bills. You don't want to have to pay for that degree when you are retiring at 65, after all the whole reason you got the degree was so that you can get ahead in the world not get further behind.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to Become a Pharmacist This Year

With today's economy having a career where you are able to support you and your family is important and the health industry is growing by leaps and bounds month after month. That is why a lot of people are choosing to get into a career as a pharmacist and earning a pharmacy degree. If you want to know how to be a pharmacist you will have to go to pharmacy, but many people to not start the conventional way with all the pharmacy school requirements. Some people choose to undergo an internship while earning their Pharmacy degree.
The Education and Training of a Pharmacist
The education requirements for a pharmacist can be fairly strict. If you want to become a pharmacist today, you will most likely be required to obtain a PharmD or a doctorate of pharmacy. Before you can start a four year pharmacy program you will need to meet the pharmacy school requirements by having completed you undergraduate course work which is usually a two year program and passing the PCAT exam which is an entrance exam for pharmaceutical studies. The course work that you will be studying when you choose to learn how to become a pharmacist will be chemistry, anatomy, physics, biology and physiology. You may also be required to undergo a series of internships to meet pharmacy school requirements.
The Job of a Pharmacist
The job of a pharmacist can be a very rewarding job and you will interact with people to be able to provide them with service they need. A pharmacist job consists of dispensing medicines that people need as well as giving advice and having knowledge of what medicines do and the reactions that they can have on a person. Your job as a pharmacist will be to watch closely what patients take and be aware of potential problems that may be a doctor has made when prescribing medicine. In a family practice or a drug store you may also commonly give advice to people on everyday pharmaceutical needs.
The Salary of a Pharmacist
One of the best things about being a pharmacist is the stable career and pharmacist salary. While it is a high paying high end medical career with a salary around $100,000.00 or $50.00 per hour, it can be repetitive and you can expect to be doing the same thing for a lone time, but if helping people with their needs is something that you like to do it may be the perfect job for you with a pharmacist salary to compensate you.
How Long does it Take to Become a Pharmacist?
Depending on the route you choose, it will typically take around six to eight years to get a doctorate degree in pharmacy. It's important to note that the education requirements for pharmacists are precise and will require a student who is dedicated and hardworking. The best way to speed up time to completion would be to take more relevant courses during your undergraduate studies, in addition to getting training and internships in the field of Pharmacy.
A pharmacist's job can be both rewarding and demanding. It is very tempting to pursue a career in this field, after learning about a pharmacist's salary. Once you understand the education requirements for a pharmacist, it is easy to plan out a course of study. You can also enhance your studies with internships, work placements, and other related experiences in Pharmacy. You may also wish to visit our website with more information on how to become a pharmacist.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Best Career Choices for Women

Whether you knew what you wanted to be when you grew up, or you still have not decided on a major, choosing a career path is an incredibly important decision. Yes, it is true that you can make a career change later on if you decide your current one is not right for you. But if you waste the first years of your professional life bouncing from job to job with no real idea of what you want to do, then that means you have used up valuable time to establish yourself in a good, solid career. Being aware of the options out there, especially for women, is important in your search for a career path. It is especially important to know what kinds of career choices are best for women. Whatever you choose, going to a top college will help you to succeed in your future career.
Aerospace Engineer
Some women may not see themselves working on anything related to space, but there are definitely others who would love a career like this. If you have ever seen the movie "Apollo 13," then you have been exposed to the basics of what an aerospace engineer does for a living. Within aerospace engineering, there are 2 fields: aeronautical engineering (which deals with aircraft that do not traverse to outer space) and astronautical engineering (which deals with aircraft that do go into outer space). Whichever you choose, aerospace engineering can be an excellent field for women.
Are you interested in the origins of humankind? Anthropology may be for you. Anthropologists work on uncovering the various characteristics and customs that make up our human race, especially from years past. There are 4 main fields of anthropology in which you can get involved: cultural (or socio-cultural) anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and physical (or biological) anthropology. These fields tend to speak for themselves, especially archaeology, but you should do research on each one to see which fits you best.
Computer Programmer
Being a tech-savvy woman can get you a great job as a computer programmer. Computer programming involves working within the source code of a computer program. If you know much about writing and testing code, you should look into this career and see how it suits you. Understanding how to design and debug the source code of a program is also part of the job. Basically, coding means that you are working on a set of instructions for computers so that they will perform specific operations. If this sounds like something that interests you, look into computer programming classes and jobs.
Women doctors have taken over the medical industry, and that is a very good thing. There used to be a time when the only reason women worked in a hospital was because they were nurses. Learning how to cut people open may sound morbid to some and fascinating to others. Surgeons do a great service for the health of millions of people every day, and if you are not squeamish about blood or bodily functions, being a surgeon may be your path. Medicine can be a very rewarding career.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Local military blogger helps wounded warrior with national contest

The wife of an East Tennessee wounded warrior is helping others in similar situation through storytelling.
Cheryl Gasner's blog caught the attention of the Yasenak family. That's where they found out about a contest that could help them with their wounded warrior's therapy.
"It started as a way to talk family and it's become a way to reach out to others and let them know that this is what I'm going through and it's normal and here's some resources to help," said Gasner.
Life for her husband is returning to normal after an IED explosion severely injured him in Iraq.
Home Depot selected Cheryl to be a part of their "Giving the Gift of Good" campaign.
She was asked to choose a military family she thought deserved $20,000 dollars of repairs and services to their home. She didn't know, Mary and Nick Yasenak before she read their application, but they knew her.
"I've read Cheryl's blog for three years. I just didn't know she lived in Knoxville," said Mary Yasenak.
The families have a lot in common. After nine years in special ops for the Army, Nick, is disabled from a helicopter crash and suffers from post traumatic stress disorder.
"It's stories we can both relate to in different ways," she said.
However Nick finds solace in the care of his animals. He's got several now, but wants to create a mini-farm to help him with is therapy. The fencing is too expensive right now.
"Animals don't demand a lot from you," he said.
They also need help with roof repairs. But these requests are not as important to them as the new friendship they've made.
"It would be awesome if we won but it's better that I found Cheryl," said Mary.
"What's so great is that it turns out that we're friends with this couple and it's so hard for guys that have been injured to make friends so it's an added benefit," said Cheryl.

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL join Agari anti-phishing service

The major Web-based e-mail providers are joining forces with an anti-fraud startup, which is launching tomorrow, to help keep phishing messages out of peoples' inboxes.
Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL are providing metadata from messages that get delivered to their customers to Palo Alto, Calif.-based Agari so it can be used to look for patterns that indicate phishing attacks. Agari collects data from about 1.5 billion messages a day and analyzes them in a cloud-based infrastructure, according to Agari CEO Patrick Peterson.
The company aggregates and analyzes the data and provides it to about 50 e-commerce, financial services and social network customers, including Facebook and YouSendIt, who can then push out authentication policies to the e-mail providers when they see an attack is happening.
"Facebook can go into the Agari console and see charts and graphs of all the activity going on in their e-mail channel (on their domains and third-party solutions) and see when an attack is going on in a bar chart of spam hitting Yahoo," for instance, Daniel Raskin, vice president of marketing for Agari, told CNET in an interview. "They receive a real-time alert and they can construct a policy to push out to carriers (that says) when you see this thing happening don't deliver it, reject it."
Agari doesn't collect the actual messages, he said. Some e-mail providers will take a message that is failing authentication and provide the malicious URLs in it to Agari to pass on to the company whose name is being used in the phishing messages, Raskin said. "Other than that we don't want to see the content," he said.
Google expects Gmail users to benefit as more mail senders authenticate their messages and implement block policies.
"Since 2004 Gmail has supported several authentication standards and developed features to help combat e-mail phishing and fraud," Google Product Manager Adam Dawes said in a statement to CNET. "Proper coordination between senders and receivers is the best way to cut down on the transmission of unauthorized mail, and AGARI's approach helps simplify this process."
Agari, which has been operating in stealth mode since October 2009, rejected more than 1 billion messages across its e-mail partners' networks in a year, according to Peterson, who was with the original management team of e-mail security firm IronPort. IronPort got acquired by Cisco in 2007.
Agari protects 50 percent of U.S. consumer e-mail traffic and more than one billion individual mailboxes.
Originally posted at InSecurity Complex

Twitter Hardens Tweets With Android Security Acquisition

Zeus Kerravala, principal analyst at ZK Research, said buying Whisper Systems was a smart move as more Twitter users rely on mobile devices to send and read messages. Although the solution focuses on Android, that may be the best place for Twitter to start given the reports from security research firms about the security of Android Market. Twitter is showing its followers that it cares about security Relevant Products/Services with its latest acquisition. The micro-blogging service just scooped up Whisper Systems, a small mobile Relevant Products/Services-security software Relevant Products/Services development start-up. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Whisper Systems provides security and management solutions that promise to transform consumer phones and tablets into enterprise Relevant Products/Services-ready devices. That's a big promise considering the malware threats in the wild today, but it's one that Twitter appears to be betting on -- and it looks like company founders, Moxie and Stuart Anderson, will hit the ground running.
"The Whisper Systems team is joining Twitter starting today," Twitter said in a statement. "As part of our fast-growing engineering team, they will be bringing their technology and security expertise to Twitter's products and services. We're happy to have Moxie and Stuart on board."
Targeting Android Relevant Products/Services Devices
Whisper Systems is focusing on an area that got a little controversial last week: Android. Whisper's products include WhisperCore, device Relevant Products/Services and data Relevant Products/Services security for Android, as well as WhisperMonitor, network Relevant Products/Services security for Android. Other Android-targeted products include Flashback for encrypted backups, RedPhone for encrypted voice Relevant Products/Services and TextSecure for encrypted texts.
"We started Whisper Systems with the goal of improving security and privacy for mobile devices," the founders said in a blog post announcing the acquisition. "We were attracted to this not only because we saw it as an opportunity to reinvent the security solutions that never really worked in the PC environment to begin with, but also because the stakes are much higher -- due to the nature of mobile devices themselves -- and we didn't like the way that things were looking."
Whisper Systems ended up tackling the full stack, from app-level solutions down to a hardened version of Android. Whisper even went after kernel modifications at the rock bottom of the stack to develop some of its products. Although the products will live on via Twitter, current customers will have to do without them until the transition is complete.
No Black Eyes
Zeus Kerravala, principal analyst at ZK Research, said buying Whisper Systems was a smart move as more Twitter users rely on mobile devices to send and read messages. Although the solution focuses on Android, that may be the best place for Twitter to start given the reports from security research firms about the security of Android Market. Juniper and Kaspersky Lab both identified Android as more likely to hide malware than Apple's iTunes App Store.
"Twitter is where people tend to learn about events first. I remember learning about the San Francisco earthquake through Twitter. I found about Osama bin Laden through Twitter, as well as the NBA strike. It's a place people go to get information Relevant Products/Services and distribute information," Kerravala said.
"With that in mind, we'll see greater adoption of Twitter through mobile devices. We've seen Facebook integrate some security tools. But we've also seen Facebook get hit with some big security problems. Twitter is trying to avoid those black eyes."

F.T.C. Settles Privacy Issue at Facebook

SAN FRANCISCO — Accusing Facebook of engaging in “unfair and deceptive” practices, the federal government on Tuesday announced a broad settlement that requires the company to respect the privacy wishes of its users and subjects it to regular privacy audits for the next 20 years.
The order, announced by the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, stems largely from changes that Facebook made to the way it handled its users’ information in December 2009. The commission contended that Facebook, without warning its users or seeking consent, made public information that users had deemed to be private on their Facebook pages.
The order also said that Facebook, which has more than 800 million users worldwide, in some cases had allowed advertisers to glean personally identifiable information when a Facebook user clicked on an advertisement on his or her Facebook page. The company has long maintained that it does not share personal data with advertisers.
And the order said that Facebook had shared user information with outside application developers, contrary to representations made to its users. And even after a Facebook user deleted an account, according to the F.T.C., the company still allowed access to photos and videos.
All told, the commission listed eight complaints. It levied no fines and did not accuse Facebook of intentionally breaking the law. However, if Facebook violated the terms of the settlement in the future, it would be liable to pay a penalty of $16,000 a day for each count, the F.T.C. said.
Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, conceded in a lengthy blog post that the company had made “a bunch of mistakes,” but said it had already fixed several of the issues cited by the commission.
“Facebook has always been committed to being transparent about the information you have stored with us — and we have led the Internet in building tools to give people the ability to see and control what they share,” he wrote. By way of example, Mr. Zuckerberg pointed to more explicit privacy controls that the company introduced over the summer.
Facebook has long wanted its users to post content — links, opinions, pictures and other data — on their Facebook pages with minimal effort, or “friction,” as company executives call it. The settlement with the F.T.C. will undoubtedly require it to introduce more such friction.
The order requires Facebook to obtain its users’ “affirmative express consent” before it can override their own privacy settings. For example, if a user designated certain content to be visible only to “friends,” Facebook could allow that content to be shared more broadly only after obtaining the user’s permission.
On Tuesday evening there seemed to be some disagreement about what the agreement entailed. A Facebook spokesman said in response to a question that it did not require the company to obtain “opt in” data-sharing permission for new products.
But David Vladeck, director of the bureau of consumer protection at the F.T.C., said Facebook would have to inform its users about how personal data would be shared even with new products and services that it introduces over the next two decades. “The order is designed to protect people’s privacy, anticipating that Facebook is likely to change products and services it offers,” he said.
Ever since its public release in 2004, Facebook has drawn an ever-larger number of members, even as its sometimes aggressive approach to changes around privacy have angered some of its users.
“We’ve all known that Facebook repeatedly cuts corners when it comes to its privacy promises,” Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University, wrote in an e-mail after the announcement. “Like most Internet companies, they thought they could get away with it. They didn’t.”
Facebook is also obliged to undergo an independent privacy audit every two years for the next 20 years, according to the terms of the settlement.
Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which is part of a coalition of consumer groups that filed a complaint with the F.T.C., commended the order but said settlements with individual companies fall short of what is needed: a federal law to protect consumer privacy.
“We hope they will establish a high bar for privacy protection,” Mr. Rotenberg said. “But we do not have in the United States a comprehensive privacy framework. There is always a risk other companies will come along and create new problems.”
Several privacy bills are pending in Congress, and Internet companies have stepped up their lobbying efforts. The F.T.C., meanwhile, has ratcheted up its scrutiny of Internet companies. This year alone, it has reached settlement orders with some of the giants of Silicon Valley, including Google.
The order comes amid growing speculation about Facebook’s preparations for an initial public offering, which could be valued at more than $100 billion. The settlement with the F.T.C., analysts say, could potentially ease investors’ concerns about government regulation by holding the company to a clear set of privacy prescriptions.
“When you have an I.P.O. you don’t want investors to be skeptical or jittery,” said Ryan Calo, who leads privacy research at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School. “In order for you to be as valuable as possible, you want to make sure the seas are calm. This calms the seas.”

GALAXY: Obama lauds MLS Cup champs

President Obama called Galaxy coach/general manager Bruce Arena in Indonesia on Tuesday to congratulate him and the Galaxy for their MLS Cup triumph nine days ago.

What took so long? Hard to say, since Obama identified himself as a soccer fan. Regardless, it's always nice to get a phone call from the President, whose office released this summary of the call:

“Earlier today, President Obama called Bruce Arena, general manager and head coach of the Los Angeles Galaxy, to congratulate him and the team on winning the MLS Cup. The President said, as a soccer fan, he wanted to let Coach Arena know that the team inspired a lot of young soccer players, including his kids. The President congratulated Coach Arena on all that the team has done for the game of soccer and asked him to pass along his congratulations to Landon Donovan, David Beckham and the rest of the team. President Obama invited the Galaxy to the White House to celebrate their championship and wished the coach and the team continued success.”

No date, of course, for a White House visit, but if schedules mesh, L.A.'s trip to Washington to play D.C. United next season -- if they play at D.C. United under the new schedule format -- would work best.

The Galaxy is in Indonesia for the first game on its postseason tour of Asia and Australia. Obama spent part of his childhood in Jakarta, where L.A. will face Indonesia's national team on Wednesday, with a 4 a.m. PT kickoff (Fox Soccer Channel).

Indonesia Stocks: Astra Agro, Benakat Petroleum, Bumi Resources

By Berni Moestafa
Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of the following companies had unusual moves in Indonesian trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses and prices are as of 9:51 a.m. in Jakarta.
The Jakarta Composite index rose 0.7 percent to 3,713.04, set to rise for a third day. The measure was poised for a 2 percent drop this month.
Energy companies: PT Energi Mega Persada (ENRG IJ), the second-largest listed oil company, advanced 2 percent to 151 rupiah. PT Benakat Petroleum Energy (BIPI IJ) added 1.2 percent to 171 rupiah. Crude oil futures gained 1.6 percent to $99.79 a barrel in New York yesterday, the highest settlement since Nov. 16. Oil was last traded at $99.50 a barrel.
PT Astra Agro Lestari (AALI IJ), Indonesia’s biggest plantation stock by market value, advanced 1.6 percent to 22,150 rupiah, set for the highest close since Nov. 18. Palm oil futures increased as much as 0.9 percent to 3,088 ringgit ($975) a metric ton in Kuala Lumpur, set to gain for the first time in seven days.
PT Bumi Resources (BUMI IJ), Indonesia’s largest coal producer, rose 1.3 percent to 2,025 rupiah. Bumi Plc, a shareholder at the company, expects no slowdown in coal demand next year because of surging consumption in India, Bumi Plc Chief Financial Officer Andrew Beckham said in Hong Kong today. India and China will be the dominant markets for coal exports from Indonesia, he said.
--Editor: Shiyin Chen
To contact the reporter on this story: Berni Moestafa in Jakarta at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Darren Boey at

Hackers target UN Development Program website

Hacker group Team Poison is taking credit for the recent hacking of the website for the United Nations Development Program, according to reports on websites devoted to hacking and internet news.
Team Poison said it hacked the UNDP website and leaked thousands of usernames, passwords and emails, posting leaked account details on Pastebin, reports Hacker News.
Softpedia is reporting that the details were leaked as a form of protest and that hackers described the UN as “the bureaucratic head of NATO used to legitimize the Barbarism of Capitalist elite.”
The hackers also wrote: “United Nations, why didn’t you expect us?”
In the statement, Team Poison described the UN as “a senate for global corruption . . . to facilitate the introduction of a new world order and a one world government.”
Team Poison had previously taken credit for hacking into BlackBerry’s blog after its maker, Research in Motion, decided to co-operate with the London police after riots in August. It has threatened to reveal the membership of Lulzsec, another hacking group.
Team Poison announced its attack on its Twitter account.
According to BBC News, a spokeswoman for the UNDP said that “an old server which contains old data” was hacked. Sausan Ghosheh assured the BBC that “UNDP is taking action to close any vulnerabilities on our website.”
Team Poison claimed that it has joined forces with Anonymous, another computer hacking group, on a new initiative dubbed Operation Robin Hood, which is designed to target banks and financial institutions, reports Hacker News.
A You Tube video has been posted to explain the initiative.

Rubbery robots no threat to R2-D2

(CNN) - Not long ago, a pair of Harvard scientists hit on an "aha" moment in the most unexpected place: while waiting in line at a post office.
Robert Shepherd and Filip Ilievski were trying to help the rest of their research team create a new generation of bendable rubbery robots called soft robots.
They already had a design that allowed their bendy robot to undulate, or move in a wavy motion. But they were looking for a design that offered more movement."We knew that nature already has a lot of quadrupeds walking around, and we already had this undulator design," Shepherd said. "We thought, oh, we could just map one onto the other and we would have an undulator and a quadrupedal crawler."
Unprepared for their moment of inspiration at the post office, Shepherd and Ilievski were forced to jot down their ideas on an envelope.
They unveiled their creation in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their team, headed by George Whitesides, has dubbed the invention the multigait soft robot.
Soft robotics, experts say, is the cutting edge of robot design and holds unimaginable promise for several reasons.
First, let's point out the obvious: These are not your grandparents' - or even your parents' - robots.
In other words, this ain't R2-D2.
The Harvard team's soft robot is a white, X-shaped device made of a rubbery polymer called elastomer.
The robot's motion is controlled through many tiny chambers in its body that cause it to move when filled with compressed air. The air is fed through tubes attached to the robot. "They've used a clever system of chambers and shapes, and when you apply pressure, you get the robot to move in predictable ways," says Barry Trimmer, who's developing soft robotics at Tufts University.
It can adjust itself enough to crawl through a gap 2 centimeters (0.79 inches) wide and insert itself into places where metallic or hard plastic robots could never go. It weighs only 1.5 ounces (42.5 grams).
The technology has mind-bending possibilities.
Imagine a tiny twisty robot crawling into your body so your doctor can perform a procedure without surgery.
Larger soft robots could be developed to assist elderly people with common tasks like opening doors, drawing a bath, or helping them stand or walk.
Or, perhaps such a robot could help search-and-rescue squads find victims trapped under rubble from a disastrous earthquake.
Soft robots could be useful in other ways too, like exploring other planets and bomb disposal.
Aside from research and development, this kind of technology is astoundingly inexpensive.
The materials used to create the Harvard robot cost about $5, Shepherd says. After the design was perfected, the prototype was manufactured in about two hours.
Special materials could be developed for different robots, depending on their tasks. Medical robots could be made of proteins, such as silk. Other robots could be built with materials that are biodegradable for convenient and safe disposal.
"It's becoming a major focus of robot research," Trimmer says. "There's increasing investment in Europe in building and developing soft material robots. The U.S. needs to think a lot more about this and put more resources into it."
The Harvard project was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Pentagon's research think tank.
But scientists still have some big hurdles ahead. One of the most challenging, Trimmer says, is designing a soft robot that is independent and autonomous.
The Harvard robot can't move without compressed air, which is fed through tubes attached to its body. "Usually, if you want to build a device to do something useful, you don't want it to be tethered," Trimmer says. "If you want it to travel somewhere, you don't want it to be trailing wires or tubes."
Scientists also hope to develop soft robots that are much larger and much smaller.

Google Maps for Android Heads Indoors With Ikea, Macy's

Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) Maps, the online location application that helps millions of users get directions and other geographical information from all over the world, is headed indoors at select shopping malls, retailers and airports.
The search engine provider upgraded Google Maps for Android to let smartphone and tablet users in the United States and Japan see where they are and what places they might want to check out while they're indoors. Google is comparing the new directions to the physical map directories that shoppers find in malls, or those that travelers use to find their way inside airports.
Here's how it works. Google Maps 6.0 for Android will display detailed floor plans when a user is looking at a map on the app and zooms in on a building where an indoor map is available. Users' approximate locations will be indicated with a blue dot icon within several meters.
Google Maps for Android also uses the Android phone's location detection capabilities, which tap GPS, cell towers and WiFi hubs for data and communicate it to Google's location servers, automatically updating the map layout as users move up or down a level in a building with multiple floors.
Imagine being able to find the food court in a massive mall, or finding a specific gate or restaurant in an airport, by looking at Google Maps on an Android phone. See what the indoor maps look like in Google's corporate blog post.
Participants in the indoor mapping app include Mall of America in Minneapolis and retailers Ikea, The Home Depot, Macy's and Bloomingdale's in the United States. In Japan, participating parties include Daimaru, Takashimaya and Mitsukoshi locations and more.
Airports involved with the new program include San Francisco International Airport in Google's home state, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Chicago's O'Hare, Narita International in Japan, and plenty more airports.
Google, which will add new indoor maps, invited business owners to participate in its program by submitting their floor plans. The effort is an extension of Google's bid to organize the world's information online for the purpose of leveraging it for ad dollars. Squeezing more ad money via mobile devices is a company priority.
The tricky part about mapping indoor stores and other locations is that Google must get permission first, which can be challenging. Google will have to find ways to coax intensely private states or countries to let it use its topographic information and other data online for the whole world to see.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Android Phone

2.3 Google Android 2.2 3G QWERTY Bar Mobile Cell Phone
2.3" Google Android 2.2 3G QWERTY Bar Mobile Cell Phone

College Campuses Featured in Movies

Cinema has a very particular way of making us suspend disbelief, and we love it and even call it entertainment. Movies about college in particular may seem to test our suspension of disbelief because of all the crazy antics that happen in typical college films. In any case, several of these films about attending a university usually feature a particular campus. There are some universities that have been featured more often than others, for one reason or another.
University of Toronto
This college campus has been featured in a ton of movies. The setting for more popular movies like Time Traveler's Wife, Mean Girls, Tommy Boy, Good Will Hunting, and The Bride of Chucky, the University of Toronto tends to end up featured in the movie theater quite a bit. There are also several films that `re not as popular, such as Shadowland, Take the Lead, The Prince and Me, and Paper Chase, which had scenes take place at this popular university.
University of British Columbia
It seems that Canada's colleges are used as movie sets a lot, because the University of British Columbia was the site for such movies as Good Luck Chuck, She's the Man, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Butterfly Effect, Perfect Score, and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Several television shows were also filmed there, including the Smallville series and Battlestar Galactica.
Harvard University
Something you may not know about Harvard is that it is the oldest educational institution in the United States, founded in 1636. This historic site lent itself to movie sets for films like Love Story and The Great Debaters, but that was the last movie filmed on Harvard's actual campus because the university prohibited filming on its grounds. Movies wanting to portray Harvard were only allowed to shoot in look-alike locations instead of on campus. Legally Blonde and Across the Universe were just a few of the films not allowed to record their scenes on campus.
University of Southern California
Everyone knows that the University of Southern California, better known as USC, always ends up portrayed in films. However, the college does not always "play" itself; some movies portray the college as Oxford or the aforementioned Harvard. Being John Malkovich, Forrest Gump, Young Frankenstein, and What Women Want were all filmed on the USC campus.
University of California, Los Angeles
Of course the University of California, Los Angeles, or UCLA, would be the subject of many films. In fact, this university is at the top of the list when it comes to being featured in the most films. Since it is situated so close to Hollywood, using UCLA for a college film makes sense. Films like Erin Brockovich, American Pie, Old School, The Nutty Professor, and How High all feature UCLA as its campus. Several television shows also use UCLA for their set, like Alias, The O.C., and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Columbia University
Not to be confused with the aforementioned University of British Columbia, this campus has been featured in several films, such as August Rush, The Mirror Has Two Faces, Mona Lisa Smile, Anger Management, Hitch, and Malcolm X.

Monday, September 5, 2011

'Batmobile' replica turns up on eBay, selling for $620K

Gotham City may be a fictional part of DC Comics' Batman universe but this recent item up for bid on auction site eBay may give fans of the caped crusader a real-life feel of driving a Batmobile.

Putsch Racing, maker of what is touted as the "world's only turbine-powered Bat Car," has put up the replica of the 1989 batmobile used in the first ever Batman film up for sale on eBay for a price of a whopping $620,000 (P26.2 million).

The street-registered replica is powered by a 365-horsepower engine which, according to the New York Daily News, was sourced from a decommissioned helicopter.

According to the car's eBay page, the batmobile weighs approximately 2,800 pounds and is decked with fiberglass and aluminum coachwork, a steel tubular monocoque chassis, a digital avionics system and a centrally mounted iPad 3G.

The vehicle can go up to speeds of as much as 180 miles per hour and runs on either Jet A, kerosene or diesel fuel.

The manufacturer claimed that though it is powered by a military-grade engine, "it drives just as well on the highway as it does on city streets" and that "it exhausts gases that do not have a destructive force."

Asked on their YouTube page why they are selling the car, the car-maker responded with "I have game-changing prototypes to build."

Completed only this year, the batmobile has already made the rounds of various US media outlets such as MSNBC, Fox News, Discovery Channel and NBC, and has reportedly won the "People's Choice Award" at the Ault Park Concours d’Elegance, a prestigious car show in the state of Ohio. 

Despite the multi-million peso price tag, the manufacturer of the batmobile has opened the car up for offers from interested sources, so it remains to be seen how much the vehicle would eventually go for after the auction, which ends in about 19 hours as of posting time. — RSJ, GMA News

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Google Digitalisasi 250 Ribu Buku Bersejarah

Jakarta - Bekerja sama dengan perpustakaan British Library yang berbasis di Inggris, Google membesut proyek digitalisasi ribuan buku. Tak kurang dari 250 ribu buku koleksi perpustakaan itu akan digitalisasi dan bakal tersedia untuk diakses gratis via Google Books.

Secara keseluruhan, koleksi buku milik British Library mencapai sekitar 1 juta buah. Jadi, jumlah yang digitalisasi mencapai seperempatnya. Perpustakaan ini memang berniat mendigitalisasi buku-buku pentingnya.

Biaya digitalisasi ditanggung penuh oleh Google. Buku yang bakal dibawa ke Goole Books berasal dari tahun 1700 sampai 1870. Tidak hanya buku, ada juga majalah dan pamflet. Total sebanyak 40 juta halaman di-scan dalam proyek ini.

Temanya pun beragam dan mencatat kejadian penting dalam sejarah Inggris dan Eropa. Misalnya soal perang Battle of Trafalgar, Crimean War sampai penemuan teknologi seperti rel kereta api atau telegrap.

Dikutip detikINET dari Inquirer, Selasa (21/62011), tujuan digitalisasi buku adalah untuk memudahkan akses pada masyarakat banyak ataupun kalangan peneliti. Google sendiri memang terus berniat menambahkan koleksi ke Google Books.

Hacker Bersatu Melawan Pemerintahan Dunia

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Beberapa kelompok hacker yang diyakini berada di balik penyerangan sistem Sony dan CIA telah bersumpah untuk bersatu melawan pemerintahan dunia.

LulzSec meminta bantuan kelompok yang dikenal sebagai Anonymous di kampanye cyber mereka yang dijuluki "Operasi Anti-Keamanan".

Kelompok itu mengumumkan niat mereka melalui feed Twitter resmi mereka pada akhir pekan lalu. Mereka menyatakan akan menargetkan siapa saja yang menghadang jalan mereka.

"Selamat datang di Operasi Anti-Keamanan. Kami mendorong kapal apapun, besar atau kecil, untuk menembak setiap pemerintah atau lembaga yang melintasi jalan kami. Kami sepenuhnya mendukung penulisan kata 'AntiSec' pada setiap perusakan situs web pemerintah atau seni grafiti fisik. "

LulzSec yang diyakini berada di balik ide itu juga mengisyaratkan bergabung dengan 'kelompok hacking' lainnya. Mereka mengatakan "Untuk meningkatkan berbagai upaya, kita sekarang bekerja sama dengan Anonymous kolektif dan semua peralatan perang terafiliasi."

Di antara tujuan mereka, kelompok itu menyatakan 'perang segera dan tak henti-hentinya terhadap moderator perebut kebebasan 2011' sebagai perlawanan terhadap peraturan Internet.

Bukan hanya pemerintah yang menjadi korban potensial. "Target utama juga bank dan perusahaan top," kata kelompok itu.

Salah satu tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mencuri dan kemudian membocorkan informasi rahasia, termasuk email dan dokumen.

Serangan mereka dipercaya sebagai pembalasan atas usulan peningkatan hukuman bagi cyberterrorists di AS di mana mereka yang menjebol sistem pemerintah AS menghadapi ancaman 20 tahun penjara.

Virus mulai mengincar ponsel Android

JAKARTA: Ponsel pintar berbasis Android mulai jadi incaran serangan virus, karena pertumbuhan populasi ponsel pintar itu sangat cepat.

Berdasarkan data dari Kaspersky Security Network, terdapat lebih dari 50 aplikasi OS Android berbahaya terdeteksi pada kuartal I 2011 secara global.

Program-program berbahaya tersebut merupakan versi kemas ulang (re-packed) dari software legal dengan komponen Trojan yang ditambahkan di dalamnya.

Erwin Yovitanto, Manager Bisnis Astrindo Starvision—distributor Kaspersky, menyatakan banyaknya pengguna Android yang melakukan root atau jail-breaking untuk mengakses aplikasi di luar Android merupakan salah satu penyebab masuknya malware ke ponsel pintar.

“Google selaku pemilik platform Android tidak dapat mengontrol aplikasi di luar pasar Android, sehingga jika ada program berbahaya mereka tidak dapat melakukan remote uninstall dari server mereka,” katanya hari ini.

Namun, dia mengingatkan bukan berarti aplikasi pada Android bebas dari program berbahaya, karena. untuk membuat aplikasi di atas Android hanya dibutuhkan biaya US$25.

“Harga tersebut relatif murah bahkan bagi para penjahat dunia maya,” tutur Erwin.

Para penjahat dunia maya yang sudah menjadi pengembang di Android, lanjut Erwin, pada awalnya menawarkan aplikasi bersih kepada para pengguna. Aplikasi tersebut baru disusupi malware atau virus sekitar bulan ketiga dan selanjutnya.

Di Indonesia, tambahnya, dua tahun lalu Kaspersky pernah mendeteksi sebuah virus yang menyebabkan perangkat mobile milik korbannya melakukan transfer pulsa ke pembuat virus tersebut. “Pulsa yang ditransfer tidak langsung banyak, namun sedikit demi sedikit sehingga korban tidak menyadarinya.” (sut)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pulau Bangka

Pulau Bangka adalah sebuah pulau yang terletak di sebelah timur Sumatra, Indonesia dan termasuk dalam wilayah provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Populasinya pada 2004 berjumlah 789.809 jiwa. Luas pulau Bangka ialah 11.693.54 km².

Bangka menurut bahasa sehari-hari masyarakat Bangka mengandung arti "sudah tua" atau "sangat tua", sehingga pulau Bangka dapat diartikan sebagai "pulau yang sudah tua". Bila merujuk pada kandungan bahan galian yang terdapat di daerah ini, pulau Bangka banyak mengandung bahan-bahan galian mineral yang tentunya terjadi dari proses alam yang berlaku berjuta-juta tahun. Salah satu contohnya adalah bahan galian timah, oleh karenanya masyarakat menyebutnya dengan sebutan Pulau Bangka.

Kata bangka dapat juga berasal dari kata wangka yang artinya timah. Karena di daerah ini ditemukan bahan galian timah, maka disebut Pulau Timah. Karena pergeseran atau bunyi bahasa yang berubah maka masyarakat lebih lekat memanggil pulau ini dengan kata Pulau Bangka atau pulau bertimah. Menurut cerita rakyat, Pulau Bangka tidak mempunyai penduduk asli, semua penduduk adalah pendatang dari suku yang diberi nama suku sekak. Masyarakatnya masih menganut animisme. Kemudian masuk bangsa melayu dari daratan malaka dengan membawa agama Islam yang kemudian berkembang sampai sekarang.

No Kabupaten/kota Ibu kota Luas wilayah Kecamatan Desa Kelurahan Penduduk
1 Bangka Sungailiat 2,950.68 8 60 9 231,793
2 Bangka Barat Mentok 2,890.61 5 53 4 140,323
3 Bangka Tengah Koba 2,155.77 4 39 1 129,469
4 Bangka Selatan Toboali 3,607.08 5 45 3 147,039
5 Pangkal Pinang Pangkapinang 89.40 5
35 147,039

Total 5 11,693.54 27 197 52 789,809

Pulau Bangka terletak di sebelah pesisir Timur Sumatra Selatan, berbatasan dengan Laut China Selatan di sebelah utara, Pulau Belitung di timur dan Laut Jawa di sebelah selatan yaitu 1°20’-3°7 Lintang Selatan dan 105° - 107° Bujur Timur memanjang dari Barat Laut ke Tenggara sepanjang ± 180 km. Pulau ini terdiri dari rawa-rawa, daratan rendah, bukit-bukit dan puncak bukit terdapat hutan lebat, sedangkan pada daerah rawa terdapat hutan bakau. Rawa daratan pulau Bangka tidak begitu berbeda dengan rawa di pulau Sumatera, sedangkan keistimewaan pantainya dibandingkan dengan daerah lain adalah pantainya yang landai berpasir putih dengan dihiasi hamparan batu granit.

Kabupaten Bangka mempunyai luas wilayah ± 2.950,68 km², dengan jumlah penduduk tahun 2003 sebanyak 217.545 jiwa. Batas wilayah Kabupaten Bangka adalah sebagai berikut :

klim dan Cuaca

Iklim Pulau Bangka adalah tropis Type A dan musin hujan terjadi pada bulan Juni – Desember. Rata-rata curah hujan dalam satu tahun = 220 hari atau 343,7 mm perbulan. Suhu udara rata-rata 26 °C – 28,1 °C dengan kelembaban udara sekitar 76-88.

Menurut data Meteorologi Pangkalpinang pada tahun 1998, iklim di Kabupaten Bangka adalah iklim tropis tipe A dengan curah hujan 107,6 hingga 343,7 mm per bulan. Kemudian menurut Schmidt-Ferguson, pada tahun 1999 variasi curah hujan menjadi antara 70,10 hingga 384,50 mm per bulan. Dengan musim hujan rata-rata terjadi pada bulan Oktober sampai April. Musim penghujan dan kemarau di Kabupaten Bangka juga dipengaruhi oleh dua musim angin, yaitu muson barat dan muson tenggara. Angin muson barat yang basah pada bulan Nopember, Desember dan Januari banyak memengaruhi bagian utara Pulau Bangka. Sedangkan, angin muson tenggara yang datang dari laut Jawa memengaruhi cuaca di bagian selatan Pulau Bangka. Jumlah curah hujan, hari hujan, arah angin dan kecepatan angin rata-rata setiap bulannya dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut :


Hingga tahun 2003 jumlah penduduk di Kabupaten Bangka berjumlah 217.545 jiwa terdiri dari penduduk laki-laki 107.213 (49,28%) dan perempuan 110.337 jiwa (50,72%) dengan kepadatan rata-rata 74 jiwa/km2. Konsentrasi penduduk terpadat berada di wilayah kecamatan Sungailiat (379,13 jiwa/km2) yang juga merupakan ibukota Kabupaten Bangka sedangkan yang terendah di Kecamatan Bakam (30,81 jiwa/km2).

Jumlah Penduduk, Luas Wilayah dan Kepadatan di Kabupaten Bangka Tahun 2003
Kecamatan LuasDaerah(km²) Laki-laki(jiwa) Perempuan
Sungailiat 146,38 28.780 26.710 55.490 379,13
Bakam 488,10 7.117 7.921 15.038 30,81
Pemali 127,87 8.520 8.637 17.157 134,18
Merawang 164,40 12.017 12.967 24.984 151,97
PudingBesar 383,29 6.811 6.506 13.317 34,74
MendoBarat 570,46 14.575 18.958 33.533 58,78
Belinyu 546,50 19.678 19.003 38.681 70,78
RiauSilip 523,68 9.715 9.630 19.345 36,94
Jumlah 2.950,68 107.213 110.332 217.545 74

Sejak 1710, Pulau Bangka merupakan salah satu wilayah penghasil timah terbesar di dunia. Proses produksi timah saat ini dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Selain sumber perekonomian masyarakat Pulau Bangka adalah dari sektor pertanian yaitu Lada, merica, karet, dan kelapa sawit juga dihasilkan di pulau Bangka.

Pulau Bangka merupakan salah satu wilayah yang berada di bawah kekuasaan Kesultanan Palembang, karena runtuhnya kekuasaan Kesultanan Palembang kemudian wilayah Bangka diserahkan ke tangan Inggris pada 1812. Pada tahun 1814, oleh pemerintah Inggris pulau Bangka dibarter dengan Cochin di India yang tadinya milik Belanda. Pada masa perang dunia ke-2 pemerintahJepang yang menjadi pemenang pada saat itu menguasai pulau Bangka dari tahun1942 hingga 1945. Setelah Jepang pada tahun 1945 menyerah tanpa syarat pada Sekutu seperti halnya hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia mengalami kekosongan kekuasaan, maka pulau Bangka setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan menjadi bagian dari Indonesia pada 1949. Pulau Bangka bersama dengan pulau Belitung pada awalnya merupakan bagian dari provinsi Sumatra Selatan hingga tahun 2000 setelah terjadi perubahan peta politik di Indonesia dan terjadi pergolakan pada tahun 1998 yang berujung jatuhnya kekuasaan rezim Suharto, atas desakan masyarakat di pulau Bangka dan Belitung kemudian pada tahun 2000 pulau Bangka dan pulau Belitung kemudian disahkan sebagai sebuah provinsi dan melepaskan diri dari Sumatera Selatan dan disahkan menjadi sebuah provinsi bernama Kepulauan Bangka Belitung.


Catatan sejarah mengungkapkan bahwa Pulau Bangka semasa di bawah kekuasaan kerajaan Sriwijaya pernah dihuni oleh orang-orang Hindu dalam abad ke-7 dan pulau Bangka termasuk pula sebagai daerah yang takluk dari kerajaan yang besar itu. Selain sebagai wilayah kekuasaan Sriwijaya, Pulau Bangka juga pernah menjadi wilayah kekausaan beberapa kerajaan besar dari pulau Jawa seperti kerajaan Majapahit ketika itu dibawah kekuasaan Raja Hayam Wuruk dengan pendampingnya mahapatih Gajah Mada dan kerajaan Mataram tercatat pula sebagai kerajaan-kerajaan yang pernah menguasai Pulau Bangka.

Namun baik pada masa kerajaan Sriwijawa maupun kerajaan Majapahit atau pun Mataram pulau Bangka kurang mendapatkan perhatian, meskipun letaknya yang sangat strategis di tengah-tengah jalur pelayaran lalu lintas perdagangan internasional. Baru setelah perdagangan dari daratan Asia maupun Eropa berlomba-lomba ke Indonesia pulau Bangka mulai menjadi perhatian, setelah ditemukannya rempah-rempah. Kurangnya perhatian terhadap pulau Bangka dan Belitung menyebabkan banyaknya bajak laut yang menjadikan pulau Bangka dan Belitung dijadikan sebagai tempat persembunyian Bajak laut yang berdampak pada penderitaan bagi penduduknya.

Kesultanan Johor

Untuk mengatasi kekacauan dan keamanan pelayaran di sekitar selat Malaka, maka Sultan Johor dengan sekutunya Sutan dan Raja Alam Harimau Garang mengerahkan pasukan ke pulau ini. Setelah misi pembebasan pulau Bangka dan Pulau Belitung berhasil dengan baik, Sultan Johor dan sekutunya juga mengembangkan agama Islam di tempat kedudukannya masing-masing Kotawaringin dan Bangkakota. Namun sayangnya hal ini tidak berlangsung lama, kemudian kembali pulau Bangka menjadi sarang kaum bajak laut.

Kesultanan Banten

Karena merasa turut dirugikan dengan tidak amanya pelayaran di sekitar perairan Malaka terutama di sekitar Pulau Bangka dan Belitung, apalagi setelah dirampasnya kapal-kapal dari pedagang-pedagang dari Banten maka Sultan Banten mengirimkan Bupati Nusantara untuk membasmi bajak-bajak laut yang beroperasi di sekitar kedua pulau tersebut. Setelah kedua puleu tersebut berhasil dikuasai kemudian Bupati Nusantara untuk beberapa lama memerintah Bangka dengan gelar Raja Muda. Diceritakan pula bahwa Panglima Banten, Ratu Bagus yang terpaksa mundur dari pertikaiannya dengan Sultan Palembang, menuju ke Bangka Kota dan wafat di sana.

Setelah Bupati Nusantara wafat, kekuasaan jatuh ke tangan putri tunggalnya dan karena putrinya ini dikawinkan dengan Sultan Palembang, yaitu Sultan Abdurrachman maka dengan sendirinya pulau Bangka dan Belitung kembali menjadi kekuasaan kesultanan Palembang dari tahun(1659-1707).

Kesultanan Palembang

Pada tahun 1707 Sultan Abdurrachman wafat, dan ia digantikan oleh putranya Ratu Muhammad Mansyur (1707-1715).

Namun Ratu Anum Kamaruddin adik kandung Ratu Muhammad Mansyur kemudian mengangkat dirinya sebagai Sultan Palembang, menggantikan abangnya (1715-1724), walaupun abangnya telah berpesan sebelum wafat, supaya putranya Mahmud Badaruddin menyingkir ke Johor dan Siantan, sekalipun secara resmi sudah diangkat menjadi Sultan Palembang.

Tetapi pada tahun 1724 Mahmud Badaruddin dengan bantuan Angkatan Perang dari Sultan Johor merebut kembali Palembang dari pamannya.

Kekuasaan atas pulau Bangka selanjutnya diserahkan oleh Mahmud Badaruddin kepada Wan Akup, yang sejak beberapa waktu telah pindah dari Siantan ke Bangka bersama dua orang adiknya Wan Abduljabar dan Wan Serin.

Penemuan timah dan VOC

Sekitar tahun 1709 diketemukan timah, yang mula-mula digali di Sungai Olin di Kecamatan Toboali oleh orang-orang Johor atas pengalaman mereka di Semenanjung Malaka. Dengan diketemukannya timah ini, mulailah pulau Bangka disinggahi oleh segala macam perahu dari Asia maupun Eropa. Perusahaan-perusahaan penggalian timah pun semakin maju, sehingga Sultan Palembang mengirimkan orang-orangnya ke Semenanjung Negeri Tiongkok untuk mencari tenaga-tenaga ahli yang kian terasa sangat diperlukan.

Pada tahun 1717 mulai diadakan perhubungan dagang dengan VOC untuk penjualan timah. Dengan bantuan kompeni ini, Sultan Palembang berusaha membasmi bajak-bajak laut dan penyelundupan-penyelundupan timah. Pada tahun 1755 pemerintah Belanda mengirimkan misi dagangnya ke Palembang yang dipimpin oleh Van Haak, yang bermaksud untuk meninjau hasil timah dan lada di Bangka. Pada sekitar tahun 1722 VOC mengadakan perjanjian yang mengikat dengan Sultan Ratu Anum Kamaruddin untuk membeli timah monopoli, dimana menurut laporan Van Haak perjanjian antara pemerintah Belanda dan Sultan Palembang berisi :

  • Sultan hanya menjual timahnya kepada kompeni
  • Kompeni dapat membeli timah sejumlah yang diperlukan.

Sebagai akibat perjanjian inilah kemudian banyak timah hasil pulau Bangka dijual dengan cara diselundupkan.

Selanjutnya tahun 1803 pemerintah Belanda mengirimkan misi lagi yang dipimpin oleh V.D. Bogarts dan Kapten Lombart, yang bermaksud mengadakan penyelidikan dengan seksama tentang timah di BangkaJajahan Inggris

Perjanjian Tuntang pada tanggal 18 September 1811 telah membawa nasib lain bagi pulau Bangka. Pada tanggal itu ditandatanganilah akta penyerahan dari pihak Belanda kepada pihak Inggris, di mana pulau Jawa dan daerah-daerah takluknya, Timor, Makasar, dan Palembang berikut daerah-daerah takluknya menjadi jajahan Inggris.

Raffles mengirimkan utusannya ke Palembang untuk mengambil alih Loji Belanda di Sungai Aur, tetapi mereka ditolak oleh Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, karena kekuasaan Belanda di Palembang sebelum kapitulasi Tuntang sudah tidak ada lagi. Raffles merasa tidak senang dengan penolakan Sultan dan tetap menuntut agar Loji Sungai Aur diserahkan, juga menuntut agar Sultan menyerahkan tambang-tambang timah di pulau Bangka dan Belitung.

Pada tanggal 20 Maret 1812 Raffles mengirimkan Ekspedisi ke Palembang yang dipimpin oleh Jendral Mayor Roobert Rollo Gillespie. Namun Gillespie gagal bertemu dengan Sultan lalu Inggris mulai melaksanakan politik “Divide et Impera”nya. Gillespie mengangkat Pangeran Adipati sebagai Sultan Palembang dengan gelar Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin II (tahun 1812).

Sebagai pengakuan Inggris terhadap Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin II dibuatlah perjanjian tersendiri agar pulau Bangka dan Belitung diserahkan kepada Inggris. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Betawi lewat Mentok oleh Gillespie, kedua pulau itu diresmikan menjadi jajahan Inggris dengan diberi nama “Duke of Island” (20 Mei 1812).

Kembali menjadi jajahan Belanda

Kemudian atas dasar Konvensi London tanggal 13 Agustus 1814, Belanda menerima kembali dari Inggris daerah-daerah yang pernah didudukinya di tahun 1803 sebelum Napoleon menyerbu Belanda di Eropa, termasuk beberapa daerah Kesultanan Palembang. Serah terima dilakukan antara M.H. Court (Inggris) dengan K. Heynes (Belanda) di Mentok pada tanggal 10 Desember 1816.

Kecurangan-kecurangan, pemerasan-pemerasan, pengurasan dan pengangkutan hasil timah yang tidak menentu, yang dilakukan oleh VOC dan Inggris (EIC) akhirnya sampailah pada situasi hilangnya kesabaran rakyat. Apalagi setelah kembali kepada Belanda, yang mulai menggali timah secara besar-besaran dan sama sekali tidak memikirkan nasib pribumi. Perang gerilya yang dilakukan di Musi Rawas untuk melawan Belanda, juga telah membangkitkan semangat perlawanan rakyat di Pulau Bangka dan Belitung.

Maka pecahlah pemberontakan-pemberontakan, selama bertahun-tahun rakyat Bangka mengadakan perlawanan, berjuang mati-matian untuk mengusir Belanda dari daerahnya, di bawah pimpinan Depati Merawang, Depati Amir, Depati Bahrin, dan Tikal serta lainnya.

Kemudian istri Mahmud Badaruddin yang karena tidak serasi berdiam di Palembang diperkenankan suaminya menetap di Bangka dimana disebutkan bahwa istri Sultan Mahmud ini adalah anak dari Wan Abduljabar. Sejarah menyebutkan bahwa Wan Abduljabar adalah putra kedua dari Abdulhayat seorang kepercayaan Sultan Johor untuk pemerintahan di Siantan, Abdulhayat ini semula adalah seorang pejabat tinggi kerajaan Tiongkok bernama Lim Tau Kian, yang karena berselisih paham lalu melarikan diri ke Johor dan mendapat perlindungan dari Sultan. Ia kemudian masuk agama Islam dengan sebutan Abdulhayat, karena keahliannya diangkat oleh Sultan Johor menjadi kepala Negeri di Siantan.Align Left